The Heat and Humidity has a knack for draining a Stormtrooper of all the energy he could possibly have. But that didn't stop me from making this apst weekend an awesome weekend. Saturday was Free Comic Book Day around the globe. You may have stopped by your local comic shop to pick up some free comics and get good deals on others. But the occasional comic shop probably had a squad of the always fan favorite Star Wars characters on hand to celebrate the fun.
Yours truly appeared alongside 7 other troops at Comix Connection on the Carlisle Pike in mechanicsburg on saturday. Pictured above on the far left in my Shadow Trooper, you can see me absorbing the sun like there is no tomorrow. But the fans loved it as you can clearly see from the awesome people we drug out of their work like moths to a light to dare the dangers of crossing traffic to visit the awesome Galactic Empire ;).
Sunday was Friendship Day at the Philadelphia Zoo. I decided to take the day off for once and actually be the one taking pictures, though didnt plan my wardrobe appropriately and still ended up all in black. It was a hot one for sure but a fun weekend all the same! Tune in tomorrow for Troublesome Tuesday where I think a perfect topic to cover will be Handling the Heat :D.
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