Well, That Stormtrooper Guy has returned from the great Allentown Comic Con in one piece! (despite a near limbless experience with my arms being in close proximity to a wookiee). The show itself was just starting itself into life, this was it's first show ever. It did a very good job in my opinion of getting it off to a great start! It's obviously no San Diego Comic Con but their name is out there now and that is what is important.
It was a 1 day show on April 3rd and I had a good variety of support (good and evil) for the appearance. Everyone from Darth Maul to Chewbacca to the Secret Apprentice from the Force Unleashed helped invade Allentown, PA. The staff with the Allentown Comic Con were very generous and held a charity auction in our name with all proceeds going towards star wars toys for myself and my brothers in arms to hand out to the kids when we visit Children's Hospitals.
All in all it was a great show despite it's fresh start. I met a bunch of new star wars fans whom I hope to be in touch with again. If I gave you the link to this blog... don't be a stranger, comment things, email me.... it's lonely being a trooper of the empire ;.;
I believe they will have this show more than once a year so stay tuned for information advertising the next occurence of the Great Allentown Comic Con 2! Electric Boogaloo!
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